Our Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling learning and assessment resources feature over 350 multi-media video lessons, over 1500 technical questions and activities, SWMS, Technical Manuals, an electronic log-book, and an RPL tool.
The course has been created in consultation with industry experts, and includes assessment, and mapping.
Key changes include a new unit CPCCWF3009 Apply waterproofing for wall and floor tiling, which requires the student to waterproof both a bathroom and an external balcony.
Learning and Assessment Resources
Units available include:
CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry
CPCCOM1012 Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry
CPCCOM1014 Conduct workplace communication
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCOM2001 Read and interpret plans and specifications
CPCCCM2006 Apply basic levelling procedures
CPCCCM2009 Carry out basic demolition
CPCCWF2001 Handle wall and floor tiling materials
CPCCWF2002 Use wall and floor tiling tools and equipment
CPCCWF3001 Prepare surfaces for tiling application
CPCCWF3002 Install floor tiles
CPCCWF3003 Install wall tiles
CPCCWF3004 Repair wall and floor tiling
CPCCCO2013 Carry out concreting to simple forms
CPCCWF3009 Apply waterproofing for wall and floor tiling
CPCCWF3005 Install decorative tiling
CPCCWF3006 Install mosaic tiling
CPCCWF3007 Tile curved surfaces
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
BSBESB301 Investigate business opportunities
BSBESB407 Manage finances for new business ventures
CPCCCM2008 Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding
CPCCCM2012 Work safely at heights
CPCCCM3001 Operate elevated work platforms up to 11 metres
CPCCPB3004 Fix wet area sheets
CPCCWF3008 Tile pools and spas