Due to COVID-19, Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) has developed and released new skill sets on infection control to upskill workers and manage risks arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
EduBytes in collaboration with EzeTraining and the Australasian Infection Control Society has developed quality content and assessment for this unit, validated by industry.
The content includes assessment, multi-media learning content, up-to-date detailed information from Safe Work Australia, World Health Organisation, and the Department of Health. It uses state-of-the-art web-cam technology for on-line training and practical assessment in the workplace, allowing your students to study, learn and be assessed without any traveling or risk.
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to follow organisational infection prevention and control procedures, including implementing standard and transmission-based precautions and responding to infection risks.
This unit applies to individuals working in health and direct client care contexts, and is part of three skill sets developed for the retail, transport and logistics, and food handling industries.
The content includes mapping, over 30 multi-media lessons, and detailed trainer instructions for contextualisation.
Available on the Ammonite TOMS LMS, and LTI capable with most SMS.
$50 per completed unit. No upfront cost